The Emergence – Official Opening

THE EMERGENCE IS UPON YOU!!! What’s emerging? We are! It’s finally time to open the doors to the weirdest, coolest, most exciting place you’ve never been. Yes, on Friday the 13th we unveil the result of years worth of tireless work and demented inspiration. We’re here to give you something you didn’t even know you wanted — we’re offering induction into our psychedelic siblinghood, membership in a society so secret that the uninitiated don’t even knows it exists when they walk right into it. But you know better, because you’re One of Us. Or at least you will be when we let you in on December 13th from 5-10 p.m.
But we couldn’t have our friends over without beer, right? What do you think we are, heathens? We’re gonna be pouring beer alright, and not just any beer — special beer. DSSOLVR beer. We’re going to have plenty of fun on draft, plus cans available to go. We’d tell you what they’re going to be, but you haven’t been sworn in yet so you’ll just have to wait for some surprises. Trust me, it’ll be worth it. You’ll see things you wouldn’t believe. You’ll taste things you couldn’t imagine. After The Emergence, nothing will be the same ever again. Maybe similar, but definitely different. And definitely better. Get ready to have your mind blown and your beer portal satiated, Friday, December 13th. Until then, STAY SURREAL!!!